InSight for SharePoint - Next Generation Analytics

We are excited to inform you about InSight, our new web analytics tool!

InSight for SharePoint is a professional web analytics tool, which seamlessly provides key information for business owners and professional analysts. It helps identify your portal’s goals and objectives, monitors, and alerts on significant usage events, which might affect your portal goals, and provides possible causes for the changes in data. By receiving friendly informative notifications, analysts and decision makers can uncover key performance indicators (KPI) they might have otherwise missed, and can focus on improving the portal instead of sifting through data.

InSight includes three main building blocks:

  • Evaluate: identify the portal’s key goals and objectives 
  • Monitor: supervise metrics for measuring the portal’s goals 
  • Enhance: provide insight for possible causes for changes in goal metrics 

Implementing these InSight building blocks will enable you to successfully achieve the portal desired goals and objectives. For more information, contact us at

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