HotFix for CardioLog Analytics and SharePoint Marketing Suite [v2.]
We have released a HotFix for CardioLog Analytics and SharePoint Marketing Suite [v2.0.8.3/4], which includes the following fixes.
If you have customized the Tracking Agent code in your environment (i.e. customized search) or the SharePoint Tree Adaptor (i.e professional services), please contact us before applying this HotFix.
NEW: Sitrion Adaptor
NEW: Custom Widgets Tool
CHG: Ability to disable report permissions in the Report Center
CHG: Improved support for unicode characters in Surveys
CHG: Ability to configure the SharePoint friendly URLs in the Site Statistics feature
CHG: Ability to configure the SharePoint databases alias in the Portal Tree Updates job
CHG: Improved support for SharePoint extended web applications in the Portal Tree Updates job
CHG: Support claims based authentication in the CardioLog HTTP module for tracking document usage from within Office
CHG: Support for JSON on IE8 in the CardioLog Tracking Agent
BUG: The SharePoint Online tree structure is missing documents under specific folders
BUG: "Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the SharePoint Online adaptor
BUG: “Exception: Invalid object name 'tab_sharepoint_tree_new', Error: 208 Proc: stp_sharepoint_tree_work_set_extention_size, Line : 43” error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
BUG: “Exception: Persist Process Stopped Please View Log” error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
BUG: "Exception: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding" error in Portal Tree Updates job.
BUG: Incorrect tree structure when the SharePoint web application ID is identical for all web applications
BUG: “Exception: Cannot run crawl job: 'Crawling failed with error: Report already loaded to DB'” error in the Website Tree adaptor.
BUG: The license quota for SEO crawl jobs is enforced for the website tree crawl jobs as well
BUG: “Loading results…” message is stuck on IE after submitting a survey, when selecting the “Show the survey results” option in the thank you message behavior for the survey.
BUG: “There are less than 2 urls in the crawl” error in the Website Tree adaptor.
BUG: “The configuration section 'rewriter' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration” error when configuring the Shorten Links module.
BUG: “Error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.” Error in the Social Updates job.
BUG: “The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value” error in the Usage Data Processing job.
BUG: “Error: siteColllectionParts.Length != 20” when loading site collections list in SharePoint Online Adapter from a csv file.
BUG: Incorrect report link when using the Send To option in the CardioLog Usage Reports feature for SharePoint.
BUG: Posts URLs contain the RootFolder parameter in the SharePoint 2010 tree structure
BUG: Server error 500 in saving survey responses in SharePoint 2013 when using claims based authentication
BUG: The same results are listed several times in the Navigation Summary report
BUG: “Invalid column name 'tp_DocId'” error when importing documents and list items versioning information for SharePoint 2007 lists and libraries
BUG: Debug mode is enabled in for several web applications in CardioLog
BUG: “URIError: URI malformed” JavaScript error in the CardioLog Tracking Agent when searching for keywords with special characters
BUG: A random anonymous user ID is generated by the CardioLog Tracking Agent when the SharePoint user account cannot be retrieved.
BUG: "Object does not support this property or method" JavaScript error in IE 7,8 when overriding the logic of the indexOf function
BUG: An SEO job configured for a sub-site returns results for the parent site
BUG: “401 Error” in the SEO Reports crawl
BUG: Incorrect links count in the Broken Links report
BUG: Historic SEO reports occasionally do not appear in the UI when opening it from a remote workstation
BUG: The SendEvent function in the CardioLog server side API does not return the event ID.
Editions and versions
This HotFix is compliant with CardioLog Analytics Standard, Professional and Enterprise editions and SharePoint Marketing Suite Professional and Enterprise editions, version only.
To find out what is your product version, go to Administration > Product License.
Installation Instructions
Download the HotFix package from here.
Note: This HotFix includes modified SQL stored procedures and updated application files. It does not require any downtime of SharePoint.
Right click on the downloaded package zip file, select Properties > General and click on "Unblock" before unzipping it.
See installation instructions in the embedded README file.