A/B and Multivariate Testing

These testing tools enable you to efficiently identify which of your website’s features are best at engaging visitors. You can check every element – from individual buttons, graphics or blocks of text, to entire page layouts.

  • Create split tests to compare the performance of several landing pages
  • Run multivariate tests to identify the best-performing elements of a landing page
  • Run tests for specific visitor segments
  • Identify the combinations that best drive conversions
  • Eliminate any poor-performing test variations


A/B and Multivariate Testing

Warning - Do not use more than one test for the same UI element on a certain page (for example, Behavioral Targeting and Multivariate test).

How to create a new test

  1. Click Add a new Test

  2. Select the type of test you would like to create:
    Split Test – Compare two or more versions of pages.
    Multivariate test (MVT) – Test different versions of the components on your page simultaneously.

  3. In the New Test dialog, enter the following parameters:
    - Test Name
    - URL – The URL of the page you wish to test. Search for the page in the Object Explorer
    - Notes
    - Segment – select a segment from the drop-down list to target your test to specific visitors
    - Percentage of traffic to include in the test - The percentage of traffic will be applied only to the selected segment.
  4. UI Element in this test – Select one of the elements from the drop-down list or add new UI Element by selecting Create a new UI element.
    Click Add.
    Note - UI Elements can be also created from the Behavioral Targeting visual interface.
    See How To Create a New UI Element.


  5. After adding the UI elements to the test you can add a new variation for each element.
    In the Variations section, define which variation is active or inactive. Once you have completed these configurations you can use the bottom menu bar to Flush (Clear all the data for this test) / Pause / Stop the test. If it is a new test click Save.
    Please note that once the new test is saved, Variations cannot be deleted but can only be deactivated (Status > inactive)

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