Black List

Creating Rules

The Black List defines a set of rules for data which should not be collected in the monitored environments. For example, data on views for a specific user in a specific time frame, etc. The Black List rule is applied from the moment the rule is created, not retroactively.

  1. In the Navigation pane, under Administration, click Black List.
  2. In the Central Area, click Add.
  3. In the Add Rule dialog, enter the Name and Description fields.
  4. In the Add Rule dialog, under Define more criteria, select values for the Field, Condition and Value fields (see the next sections in this guide for details on these fields).

    Create Rule dialog
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The new rule is added to the Black List. The Valid From Column in the Central Area displays the date from which the rule is applied.
    Note: The rules in the Black List have an OR (1) relationship, while the criteria for a rule have an AND (2) relationship.

    Black List dialog

  8. To edit a rule, click on it.
  9. To delete a rule, select it and click Remove.


    Edit Rule dialog


How to set a date range criterion for a Black List rule

  1. In the Add Rule dialog, in the Field drop down list, select Date Range.
  2. Click on Browse () and select a date range.


    Setting a date range criterion for a Black List rule

How to set a source criterion for a Black List rule

  1. In the Add Rule dialog, in the Field drop down list, select Portal Item.
  2. In the Condition drop down list, select is (specific) to select a specific item or select is (aggregated) to include also child items.

Setting a portal item criterion for a Black List rule


How to set a user criterion for a Black List rule

  1. In the Add Rule dialog, in the Field drop down list, select User Name or Authentication Group.
  2. In the Condition drop down list, select the desired condition.
  3. Click on Browse () and select the desired user/group.

    Setting a user criterion for a Black List rule

How to set a URL criterion for a Black List rule

  1. In the Add Rule dialog, in the Field drop down list, select URL.
  2. In the Condition drop down list, select the desired condition.
  3. Enter a URL address in the Value text box.

    Setting a URL criterion for a Black List rule

How to set an IP Address criterion for a Black List rule

  1. In the Add Rule dialog, in the Field drop down list, select IP Address.
  2. In the Condition drop down list, select the desired condition.
  3. Enter an IP address in the Value text box.

    Setting an IP Address criterion for a Black List rule

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