Power BI Integration



CardioLog Analytics provides a multitude of predefined reports via its dedicated user interface.

The integration with Microsoft Power BI enables stakeholders and portal administrators to perform quick, on-demand slice & dice actions of their data through additional intuitive reporting dashboards, monitor the KPIs that mean the most to them, and search through it all in one glance.

Solution Architecture

Data Layer

A data warehouse is built on top of the CardioLog Analytics database using an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process.

The multi-dimensional tabular model enable fast and reliable aggregated queries from the data warehouse and a semantic layer for the end users. The tabular model contains security based roles and in order to connect to it via the presentation layer, end users will have to authenticate using AD.

The database layer (which includes the data warehouse, ETL process and multidimensional tabular model) can reside on an on-premises server or hosted in the cloud.

Presentation Layer

The integration is available for on-premises, hybrid, and cloud-based deployments of Microsoft Power BI:

  1. On-premises:
    • Reports in Excel – Power BI view and Excel pivot tables
    • Reports embedded in SharePoint (Excel services)
  2. Hybrid: Microsoft Power BI cloud interface with an on-premises database
  3. Cloud-based: Microsoft Power BI cloud interface with a cloud-based database

Data workflow – from source to data presentation.png
Data workflow: from data source to data presentation

System Requirements

Hardware requirements such as storage and memory are based on amount of data loaded to the data warehouse and multi-dimensional model and will be provided per customer upon request.
View the following to assure that your system meets the minimum software requirements for the Power BI integration:


On-Premise Excel/Office 365

SharePoint Embedded Excel

Power BI User Interface

SQL Server 2012 BI Edition or higher*

SQL Server 2012 BI Edition or higher*

SQL Server 2012 BI Edition or higher*

Active Directory

Active Directory

Active Directory

On-Premises Office or Office 365 account (per user)

SharePoint Enterprise Edition

Power BI pro account (per user)


SSRS integrated

External internet connection


Excel services features


* SQL Server 2012 BI Edition or higher is required when hosting the data warehouse (tabular model) on-premises. When using a cloud-base database you can sync the data to the cloud using Power BI personal gateway.


For more information on our Power BI offering, click here.

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