Installation Procedure

Running the Installation Wizard

  1. Verify that your system meets the software and hardware requirements and that the account which runs the setup has the required permissions.

  2. Open CardioLog-Analytics-2.0.XXX.XXX.exe. 
  3. For Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2, right click on the installer file and select Run as administrator. If a User Account Control message appears, select Allow.
  4. Follow the Installation Wizard steps.


    In the License Agreement dialog, select I Agree.


    In the Select Installation Folder dialog, select the installation directory path. The default path is C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog.


  5. In the Service Account dialog, select an existing user account that will be used for the CardioLog application pool and Windows services.

    Note: If the SQL server is remote, select a configurable Windows domain account.

     The service user account must have the  required permissions.

    The selected user account will be assigned with the 'db_owner' role for the "CardioLog" database automatically.
  6.  In the Database Configuration dialog, select an SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 instance that will host the "CardioLog" database. Please specify the authentication method that will be used to connect to the database.

    Note: Make sure that the setup account has ‘create database’ and ‘alter any login’ permissions on the SQL Server.



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