Role Types

The CardioLog application includes three user roles:

1. Information Worker

This role is specifically designed for content administrators, managers, and analysts of regular reports. Reports are exported and distributed via:

  • Automatic production of scheduled reports that are distributed through Email
  • Publication of reports within SharePoint using a Web Part
  • Publication of reports within SharePoint via the "Site Actions" menu 
  • Exporting reports to Microsoft Excel and PDF
  • The CardioLog user interface

The reports presented to Information Workers are clear and concise. No prior knowledge of CardioLog, excluding the CardioLog user interface, is required.

2. Analyst

This role is designed for both the administrators of the monitored environments, as well as other IT managers who have been given the responsibility of creating and distributing scheduled reports. Analysts are able to create and view real-time reports for all objects (pages) in the monitored environments, as long as they are in accordance with the set permissions. They have access to the Visitor Engagement tools and can create surveys, message bars, SEO reports and personalized data.


3. Administrator

Those who are designated with the administrator role are given the responsibility of setting login permissions for the different levels of the system. Those in the administrator role also set read permissions for the objects in the monitored environments, and define criteria for event monitoring (black list).

Note: The user who installs the product is automatically assigned with the Administrator Role.


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