
This report shows the number of times your SharePoint web pages were viewed during a selected time period, and the most popular pages.

A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. Each view of the same SharePoint page by the same visitor is counted as an independent pageview.

The information in this report is useful in determining your website's overall popularity. Knowing the most popular pages for your SharePoint website can help you optimize your navigation and content.

This report also shows the number of file downloads from your SharePoint website during a selected period. By default, CardioLog records the clicks on a downloadable file and this feature does not need to be setup independently. However, CardioLog does not automatically determine whether the download was completed. Download completions can be tracked by using the “Tracking document usage from within Office” module.




  • CardioLog records a page view every time a page is loaded into a web browser and the JavaScript code on that page is executed. This includes the first visit to the web site, any page refreshes, any reloads of the page from a cache, etc.
  • If visitors turn off JavaScript in their browser, then CardioLog won’t record their visits.
  • If visitors turn off cookies, then CardioLog still records their visits.
  • The Map widget is based on visitor IP

Available Report Widgets

Meter, Chart, Table, Map


Table Widget

The Page Views table widget contains the following columns:

Title: The page title or URL

Views: The number of times the page or document was viewed.

Unique Users: The number of single visitors as identified by login information, or an anonymous cookie, or IP address.

Duration: The average time spent by visitors on a SharePoint page

Exit Rate:  The percentage of times a specific SharePoint page was the last page in a visit to the web site.

Advanced options in the "Advanced" tab within the table widget preferences:

  • Minimum value - show results that their number of page views is greater than or equal to a specific value . For example, by setting the value to zero, you will also see pages that were not viewed at all.
  • Show aggregated values for child items - show aggregated values for each row (the number of page views for the item and all of its sub items), or only for it's home page.
  • Show first level child items only - show results only for the direct children of the selected website item.

Map Widget

This report provides a world-map representation of page views by country. Countries are color coded, with darker colors representing higher values. Mouse over a country to display the number of pageviews. CardioLog Analytics uses internal and third-party data to derive visitors' geographic locations from their IP addresses.

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