This report shows the number of times your visitors has been to your site (unique sessions initiated by all your visitors).
Visits are defined as the activity of one visitor within a single browser session. If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity will be attributed to a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session.
- You cannot sum up the values for individual columns in the visits chart. Sessions, like unique visitors, cannot be summed because they might span over 2 columns in the chart.
- Browser tabs and windows opened simultaneously are all included in the same visitor session.
- Learn how to configure visit idle time.
Available Report Widgets
Meter, Chart, Map
Map Widget
This report provides a world-map representation of visits by country. Countries are color coded, with darker colors representing higher values. Mouse over a country to display the number of visits. CardioLog Analytics uses internal and third-party data to derive visitors' geographic locations from their IP addresses.