Sitrion Reports

CardioLog Analytics' offers reports for Sitrion (formerly Newsgator) social activity within SharePoint portals, to analyse social adoption, collaboration and engagement levels.


The following Sitrion reports are available in CardioLog Analytics:

Users Reports

  • Influential Users and Users Colleagues - find out who your Sitrion communities influencers are, how many colleagues they have and a list of names of their colleagues.
  • Expert Users - find out who are the users that are getting the label "Expert" within a community for their expertise.
  • Total Users - displays the overall sum of Sitrion users.
  • Users Activity - identify the users who are actively adding content such as posts, comments, questions, answers and likes in Sitrion.
  • Activity Log - presents the number of actions and activities carried out by users in Sitrion.
  • Inactive Users - find out which users are not actively involved in Sitrion communities.

Communities Reports

  • Community Activity - displays the top communities, ranked by the number of posts, comments, questions, answers and likes each community has acquired.
  • Community Membership Growth Trend - presents the increase in the number of members who have joined a Sitrion community over a selected time frame.

Content Reports

  • Most Popular Posts - displays the top posts within Sitrion, ranked by the number of comments and likes a post has acquired within Sitrion.
  • Most Popular Questions - find out which questions are most popular, ranked by the number of answers and likes the questions have acquired within Sitrion.
  • Trending Tags - presents the top keywords Sitrion users have tagged, ranked by the number of times a keyword has been tagged.

Campaigns Reports

  • Campaign Center Activity - identify the top campaign centers, ranked by the number of campaigns, ideas, votes and comments.
  • Most Popular Campaigns - displays the top campaigns within Sitrion, ranked by the number of ideas, votes and comments.
  • Most Popular Ideasfind out which ideas are most popular, ranked by the number of votes and comments the ideas have acquired within Sitrion.
  • Idea Submitters identify the users who are actively adding ideas in Sitrion campaigns.
  • Idea Votersfind out who are the users that are voting for ideas in Sitrion campaigns.


Note: Performing detailed analysis of the Sitrion communities activity requires configuration. For more information see "Sitrion Integration".

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