The CardioLog Enterprise edition stores history data for up to 5 years. To maintain database health, high performance, and free up disk space, Intlock recommends archiving history usage data .
Archiving History Raw Usage Data
Determine which events (raw data) should be archived. It is recommended to perform this procedure off-peak hours - during the weekend.
This process will not affect data collection but it will affect overall performance of the system. You can stop at any time and continue later.
Note: Prior to performing this procedure, create a full backup of the CardioLog database and verify that you have enough free space in the database:
CardioLog Database Transaction Log Disk - 50 GB minimum
Temp Database (tempdb) Disk - 20% of CardioLog Database Data Disk size.
Temp Database Log Disk - 5 GB minimum
- Download the archive script.
- Edit the archive date (usage data earlier than this date will be archived). You can view the progress in the Messages tab in SQL Management Studio.
@cuttingDate = '20100101', (date format: YYYYMMDD)
- Stop the CardioLog Scheduling Service and CardioLog Diagnostics Service.
- Execute the script against the CardioLog database.
- When the execution is complete (it can take a few hours, depending on the amount of data you wish to archive), shrink the CardioLog database transaction log.
- Start the CardioLog Scheduling Service and CardioLog Diagnostics Service.
- After executing the archive script, the data will be moved to archive tables (tab_event_log_archive, tab_event_log_users_archive, tab_geo_log_archive, tab_goal_log_archive, tab_goal_test_log_archive, tab_test_log_archive, tab_referrer_log_archive) and will no longer be available in reports. In order to free up disk space copy these tables to backup and then truncate these tables in the CardioLog database.
- In order to restore the data from archive, please contact us to receive the un-archive script.
Deleting History Raw Usage Data
Determine which events (raw data) should be deleted permanently. It is recommended to perform this procedure off-peak hours - during the weekend.
This process will not affect data collection but it will affect overall performance of the system. You can stop at any time and continue later.
Note: Prior to performing this procedure, create a full backup of the CardioLog database and verify that you have enough free space in the database:
CardioLog Database Transaction Log Disk - 50 GB minimum
Temp Database (tempdb) Disk - 20% of CardioLog Database Data Disk size.
Temp Database Log Disk - 5 GB minimum
- Download the delete raw data script.
- Edit the delete start date and end date (usage data in this date range will be deleted permanently). You can view the progress in the Messages tab in SQL Management Studio.
@startDate = '2010-01-01', (date format: YYYY-MM-DD)
@endDate = '2011-01-01', (date format: YYYY-MM-DD)
- Stop the CardioLog Scheduling Service and CardioLog Diagnostics Service.
- Execute the script against the CardioLog database.
- When the execution is complete (it can take a few hours, depending on the amount of data you wish to archive), shrink the CardioLog database transaction log.
- Start the CardioLog Scheduling Service and CardioLog Diagnostics Service.