Which ports are used by CardioLog?

The following ports are used by CardioLog:

  1. CardioLog SQL database - the CardioLog web application and Windows services located on the CardioLog application server connect to the CardioLog database using the SQL port (the default SQL port is 1433) with Windows or SQL authentication.
  2. CardioLog web application (UI) - CardioLog users browse the CardioLog web application using HTTP (the default port is 29999 and is configurable) or HTTPS (the default SSL port is 443) with windows authentication (NTLM).
  3. CardioLog Tracking Agent - SharePoint users browse to the portal and the CardioLog JavaScript code is downloaded to their browser.

    In SharePoint on-premise environments, the client browser connects to the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application (located on the SharePoint WFE) using HTTP (the default port is 29999) or HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with Windows authentication. The usage events are sent asynchronously to the CardioLog server via the SharePoint WFE server. The SharePoint WFE server connects to the CardioLog Event Collector web application using HTTP (the default port is 29999) or HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with anonymous access. 
    Note - as the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application is installed directly on the SharePoint WFEs, there is no need for the client browser to be able to access the CardioLog server directly using HTTP/HTTPS (unless it needs access to the CardioLog UI).

    In SharePoint Online environments, the client browser connects to the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application (located on the CardioLog server) using HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with anonymous access. The usage events are sent asynchronously to the Event Collector web application (located on the CardioLog server) using HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with anonymous access.

  4. CardioLog Diagnostics Service (Windows service) - sends error alerts via email to CardioLog administrators using SMTP (the default SMTP port is 25) 
  5. CardioLog Scheduling Service (Windows service) - includes the following components:  
    • Usage Data Processing - connects to the CardioLog database using the default SQL port with Windows authentication.
    • Portal Tree Updates -

      In SharePoint on-premise environments, it connects to:
      1) CardioLog database and the SharePoint configuration and content databases using the default SQL port with Windows or SQL authentication.
      2) SharePoint 'TEMPLATE' directory - \\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\ (XX - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013) - creating a share - \\<sharepoint server name>\TEMPLATE is recommended - using the default Windows File and Printer Sharing port with Windows authentication (the default file share port is 139, 445).
      3) SharePoint API (web services) using HTTP/HTTPS.

      In SharePoint Online environments, it connects to the SharePoint Online API (web services) using HTTPS.

    • Report Scheduling - connects to the CardioLog database using the SQL port (the default SQL port is 1433) with Windows authentication and sends scheduled reports via email to CardioLog users using SMTP (the default SMTP port is 25) 
    • Active Directory Updates - connects to the Active Directory using LDAP (the default LDAP port is 389)
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