How can I modify the URL in CardioLog reports email?

In order to modify the URL prefix for reports sent via email, change the URL prefix in the following locations on the CardioLog application server:

If you site is using HTTP, please do the following:

1) Edit the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Settings.config file and restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.







2) Edit the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\web.config

<add key="CardioLogSendToRoot" value="http://cardiologserver:29999/" />


If you site is using HTTPS, please do the following:

1) Edit the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Settings.config file and restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.







2) Edit the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\web.config

<add key="CardioLogSendToRoot" value="https://cardiologserver/" />



Verify that you can browse to the modified URL on the CardioLog server locally (the expected result is an XML file). 

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