Tips for creating efficient CardioLog reports

To ensure optimal operation and shorten the loading time for reports, here are some tips for creating efficient reports in CardioLog -

  1. Number of Reports per Dashboard - Limit the number of reports in a dashboard to a maximum of Remove unnecessary reports from your dashboard.
  2. Number of Results (Rows) per Query - Display only the top 100 rows in tables. You will be able to view all of the results when exporting to Excel.
  3. Report Filters – To view results for a site collection for example, select the site collection root object and not all the sites under it.
    To filter out AD users and groups, define a black list rule and avoid using the NOT (!) condition.
  4. Report Scheduling Type - Verify that the report scheduling type (daily/weekly/monthly) is in correspondence to the report date range, for example:
    When a report’s date range is “Last Month”, schedule it to run once a month.
    When a report’s date range is “Last 30 Days”, schedule it to run once a day.
  5. Report Type –
    1. “By URL” Reports - Avoid using the “By URL” reports (for example - “Page Views by URL”) unless needed. When creating a report for a web site, search the website in Object Explorer, and use the appropriate tree item as the source of your report.
      Use the “By URL” reports only for:
      Web sites which do not exist in Object Explorer
      Retrieving URL Parameters in the report
      Tracking banner and button clicks
      Tracking custom events
      Set the Source URL as detailed as possible (avoid using only the default "http://" prefix)
    2. Chart Reports – Avoid using unnecessary data series (specific/aggregated)
  6. Number of Scheduled Reports - Delete un-used scheduled reports.
  7. Real Time Reporting - Use the CardioLog Analysis Center for real time queries and investigating past periods, or create an Ad-Hoc report and generate it manually on demand. 
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